Full metalversion-Completely made ofmetal[excl. wheel jacket] MatoRC Tanks,detailed andmade entirelyinhigh quality1:16 scalemetal height adjustableKanonenrohr All componentsare made of metal:cannon,wheels,turret,chains,lower hull,hatchesetc. all5hatchescan be opened Matoqualitymetal chainswith2steel pinsper chain link Gearbox:steel,5:1,inclmotors smooth bottom/bottom boxwithout screws adjustablechain tension Climbing capacity:40° 1LEDheadlamp Length approx400mm[withgunapprox530mm] Widthapprox230mm Height approx195mm Weight approx6000g Finish:grey Deliveryin theoriginalMatotransport case
Manufacturer:Mato EachMatotankis supplied with a"MatoTankuniqueIDcard"[stock number].ThisID cardis usedtosupport requestsfrom the manufacturer.ThisRCtankis compatible withmany1:16RCtankspare parts and accessories.
Scope of supply: MatoRC Tank"StuG III"full metal,Infrared-Battle-System, Recoil-Barrel-System
2,4 GHz 4-Channel Remote Control 4xsparechain links 6xreplacementsteel pins 1xMatotransport case
Minimum age: 14 years! Not suitable for childrenunder 3 years, because smallparts can be swallowed. To be used underadult supervision! Read before handlinginstructions!